Monday, September 12, 2011

Blogging Burroughs- Introduction

Gutentag internetz wanderers,
As you may have noticed I don't really post here that often. I could contribute this to a lot of things but the truth is for the most part I'm just lazy. There simply isn't much I can say online that I can't already say to friends or family. Naturally this doesn't bode well for my plans of world domination as a likable online persona is essential in this digital age for any aspiring despot who first wants the consent of the governed(don't you dare mock my contradictions!). 
Taking a note from a few more popular blogs and the thirty day challenges I've decided to start blogging about well Burroughs, Edgar Rice Burroughs in fact. The original author of the Tarzan series as well as the popular Martian of Barsoom series he is fairly unknown today. Heck while almost everyone is at least familiar with the story of Tarzan, the man raised in the jungles of Africa by apes, few have read the original novels themselves. Because of this I will be blogging each chapter of the first seven novels in both series(both series have close to 10+ stories) mostly out of convenience and because both series get pretty repetitive after awhile(hero finds/meets thing hero masters/kills thing).
I will be starting with Burrough's Tarzan of the Apes. So be sure to meet up here tomorrow will be diving into the first chapter of the Ape-Man's saga.

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